St. Brigid’s SGNS Home Match vs. St. Brigid’s Glasnevin

On Wednesday 28th of September the Gaa team played their last match of the Cumann na mBunscol League for this year. In our first home match of the three we played we were absolutely delighted with the support from parents and staff of the school. It was an exciting and eventful match with plenty of scoring for both teams. We were neck and neck for the best part of the game. Unfortunately we didn’t win but we had a brilliant time in the unseasonal weather and loved playing on home turf.

Finglas Garda Station Open Day 2016

On Friday the 23rd of September both 6th classes visited the local Garda station for their annual open day. We were greeted by Garda Sean who brought us around the station on our tour. We got to see so much in the time that we were there and heard many interesting stories about what it’s like to be a Garda. We especially loved Dave the ‘general purpose dog’ and the horses from the mounted unit. We visited all areas of the station and even got to see some of the cameras that are watching over our local area. We had a brilliant time!


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands