School Rules
We have an updated Code of Behaviour and Discipline, which reflects our culture and ethos, both emphasising and expecting positive behaviour. This is based on a positive culture of respect and kindness towards ourselves and others. Included in this is our Anti-Bullying Policy.
Below is a list of the behaviours we expect in our school, to ensure that St. Brigid’s is a happy, caring and safe place to be.

- Pupils behave in a polite and respectful manner
- Pupils show respect for the property of others
- Financial contributions will be sought from pupils / Parents / Guardians for vandalism or defacement of the school premises, its furnishings and equipment or staff/pupils property or possessions
- Financial contributions will be sought from pupils / Parents / Guardians for vandalism or defacement of the school premises, its furnishings and equipment or staff/pupils property or possessions
- Pupils are expected to follow the school’s Code of Behaviour (see policy)
- Breaches of the Code of Behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Code of Discipline
- Pupils are expected to adhere to the school Policy on Positive Behaviour / Anti-Bullying
- Bullying in any form is regarded as unacceptable behaviour, totally against the ethos of the school. All reported instances of bullying are investigated. Where it is established that instances of bullying have occurred, sanctions are imposed relative to the seriousness of the behaviour
- In the interests of safety and good order pupils walk quietly on school premises
- Children are not permitted to run on the corridors / in the classrooms / other rooms or to engage in any kind of inappropriate behaviour.

Day-To-Day Regulations
- Daily attendance and punctuality are essential for pupils to benefit fully
- Any absence / late arrival is explained in a note from a parent / guardian. Children are collected on time.
- Attendance
- Every child to whom the School Attendance Act applies (that is, those between the ages of 6 and 15) is obliged by law to attend school every day on which the school is in operation unless there is a reasonable excuse for not attending. The Education Welfare Officer will be notified, as a matter of procedure, if a child is absent for more than twenty days in a school year or whose attendance is erratic. This is in accordance with the Education Welfare Act 2000. A reminder will be sent to parents after frequent absences.
- Homework is completed and presented as requested by the teacher
- Incomplete homework is explained in a note from parent/guardian.
- Pupils have their books and all necessary equipment (copies, pencils…etc.) for each lesson
- Pupils have permission for school outings / trips / swimming lessons etc.
- Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises unattended during the school day, under any circumstances
- Pupils adhere to a Healthy Eating Policy. Unfinished lunch and wrappers etc. to be brought home
- Chewing gum is not allowed on school grounds
- Pupils are strongly encouraged not to bring mobile phones into school
- Whenever necessary for outside-of-school use, mobile phones are switched off and left in the secretary’s office / teacher’s locker for the duration of the school day. The school authorities accept no responsibility for the safety or security of mobile phones or other personal belongings.
- Whenever necessary for outside-of-school use, mobile phones are switched off and left in the secretary’s office / teacher’s locker for the duration of the school day. The school authorities accept no responsibility for the safety or security of mobile phones or other personal belongings.
- Whenever necessary for outside-of-school use, mobile phones are switched off and left in the secretary’s office / teacher’s locker for the duration of the school day. The school authorities accept no responsibility for the safety or security of mobile phones or other personal belongings.

School Uniform
- Following a survey of parents, children and staff in January 2023, the generic school tracksuit can be worn every day. Navy bottoms, white polo shirt and navy tracksuit top.
- Children may wear a watch and stud earrings.
- No other jewellery is permitted for health and safety reasons. No make-up, coloured nail polish / false nails/acrylic/biab or transfers are allowed.
- Clothing / personal belongings are clearly labelled with the pupil’s name.
- The School Authorities do not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.
Only staff cars are permitted to drive into the staff car park. There is parking on the road in front of the school for all parents / guardians / visitors. We ask all drivers to park safely, away from the zig-zag lines, which are there to allow the traffic warden and pupils see oncoming traffic.
Please remember to check in at Reception.