procedural writing

In 6th class we have been learning about how to write procedures in English. We have written many recipes over the years so we decided to try something new. We have taken on the challenge of creating procedures for our knex creations. In groups we made our pieces using the knex instructions but we wanted to delve a little deeper and make the instructions a little more user friendly. We’re in the process of writing our first draft at the moment but watch this space for our new procedures on how to build knex. We’ll have them up on the wall very shortly along with here on the blog.

Finglas Wellness Day

On Wednesday 14th of September 10 girls from both fifth and sixth classes walked up to Finglas lesiure centre to participate in the Finglas Wellness Sports Day, which was organised by Dublin City Council. We played a variety of sports which included cricket, tug-of-war and tag rugby. We had a brilliant morning in the sun and thoroughly enjoyed trying out some new sports.


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands