Procedural Writing: Perfect for Hallowe’en
We’ve been learning how to write “Procedural Writing Texts”. Here are a couple of our own ideas. Don’t try these at home!!

How to Make School Disappear
99 pupils
36 eggs
99 jars
26 frogspawn eggs
44 rats and water
Step 1: Put really hot water into the cauldron
Step 2: Get 36 eggs and add them in
Step 3: Put 26 frogspawn eggs in. Stir.
Step 4: Kill 44 rats and take all the eyes out of them.
Step 5: Give it a good stir or the poison will not work.
Step 6: Put the poison into 99 jars carefully.
Step 7: Get everyone out of the school.
Step 8: Give 99 pupils a jar and make them open it and throw it at the school.
Step 9: Get the 99 pupils to throw it at their school. Their school will disappear in 2 mins.
By Ellie 4th Class R. 4
Spell To Turn Teachers Into Chocolate

Chocolate shavings
Teacher’s nose hair
Rat’s droppings
Pig’s liver
Frog spawn
Boiling water
Step 1: Put the pig’s liver, the frogspawn and boiling water into a cauldron.
Step 2: Dice the rat’s droppings and add them to the cauldron.
Step 3: Slowly, add the chocolate shavings and the teacher’s nose hair.
Step 4: Stir ten times anti-clockwise or until you have a dust.
Step 5: Sprinkle 1 pinch of dust on your teacher and in exactly 1 minute you should have chocolate.
By Shauna 4th Class