Scrooge 2015

Our Christmas play for 2015 was Scrooge. We performed it on two days because the stage was too small for the school to fit altogether. Ms McMullen split the school in two so we would fit on the stage. The sixth class acted it out on both days. The classes that sang on Thursday were Ms Ryan’s, Ms Cooney’s, Ms  Sleator’s and Ms Lyon’s. The classes that sang on Friday were Ms Caffery’s, Ms Hughes’s, Ms Burke’s and Ms Fallon’s. The story of Scrooge tells us about a man who learned his lesson about being kind at Christmas and to others around him. The girls practiced for weeks and they all remembered their lines. The girls in second, third, fourth and fifth class sang and danced.  The performance was enjoyable for the girls and the audience.  Well done to all involved.

Winter Notice Board

Have you noticed Room 4’s wonderful winter themed noticeboard? We are adding to our display each week. So far we have written winter acrostic poems, designed winter outfits, made lollipop snowmen and pretty snowflakes. Winter isn’t over yet so still more to come…


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands