Quavers and Quadratics

Fifth class were very fortunate to take part in a music and science programme run by Trinity College Dublin.  Emily and Meave, science and music students, came to our class to teach us all about the links between music and science. We then spent a day at The National Concert Hall where we sang The Galaxy Song, learned about the orchestra, made our own instruments, performed and took part in lots of interesting science experiments. We had a great time!

Sports Day 2016

Here are a few photos of Room 15 enjoying Active Week!

Sixth Class in Tayto Park

Sixth class went on their last school tour to Tayto Park in County Meath. Both fifth classes came too. The girls went on a tour of the Tayto Zoo and the Tayto Crisp Factory.  They then enjoyed playing with their friends. They had lots of fun on all the rides too. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day including the teachers. Below are some photos of the girls in all their glory.

Collaborative Work in Room 19

Photographs include the pupils constructing volcanoes in art and exploding the volcanoes in Science. We were then able to explain how a volcano erupts. The pupils have imaginatively escaped from their deserted islands. They are all delighted to be free after spending a month on the island. They drew some maps to help them find their way around the islands.  During art, the pupils worked in groups to both enlarge and reconstructed ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch. Well done to all.


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands