Library Maths Show for 5th Class during Maths Week 2014

Comhairle na nÓg

Two of our 6th Class pupils on the Student Council attended Comhairle na nÓg in Croke Park today. They got to debate and talk a lot. Well done for being elected to the Comhairle na nÓg Council!!

Pupils from Room 8 learn about Dublin Zoo

Today our teacher Ms. Caffrey brought us to the library in Finglas to listen to a talk about the animals and birds that live in Dublin Zoo. We learned lots of interesting facts about the various animals and watched a very interesting slideshow. We really enjoyed looking at the various exhibits, such as an ostrich’s egg, snake skins, tiger skin, leopard skin and an elephant’s foot!  By Diana, Room 8



Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands