Our Green Schools Committee have been busy planting sunflowers, beetroot and lettuce for our school garden!
St. Brigid’s Senior Girls National School Finglas | Gallery | Dublin School
Our Green Schools Committee have been busy planting sunflowers, beetroot and lettuce for our school garden!
The last challenge this week is to design a parachute! Here are some images and links to help you with this challenge:
You can send videos or images of your parachute to a.ryan@stbridgidssgns.ie or info@stbrigidssgns.ie
Every day this week a new Engineering Challange will be posted to the school website. You can upload pictures of your creations to Aladdin connect with your class work, or email them to a.ryan@stbrigidssgns.ie
was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.