Keith has grown these huge sunflowers from seed beside the reception area of the school.
Fr. Éamann Cahill
Parochial House Phone: 01 8341000 |
In Domino Confido |
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Good news at last! Thankfully we are now allowed to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in July. All our ceremonies will take place in St. Canice’s church. There will be 8 ceremonies to ensure the safety of all. With so many ceremonies planned, God’s Holy Spirit will be very busy.
You will have been given the following dates and times by your school:
Tuesday 13th July: St. Brigid’s SGNS
2pm for class of 2020
4pm for class of 2021
As we are required to adhere to government guidelines, please note the following:
The above is necessary but most important is our prayer for the coming of God’s Holy Spirit into the lives, hearts and minds of our young Christians. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
With every blessing on your home and family.
Dated: 21st June 2021
Fr. Éamann Cahill p.p.
Room 11 are using four raised beds in our school garden to create a sensory garden which will engage sight, sound, touch and taste.
was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.