Green Flag Number Six


Here is the very busy 2015-2016 Green Schools Committee:

Litter and Waste by Shauna Brannigan:

Litter is always caused by people. It is waste in the wrong place which ruins the appearance of our towns and countryside. Litter has many forms and many sources, from sweet wrappers thrown on the street to a dumped bag of rubbish. Authorities spend millions of Euros every year on cleaning the streets of Ireland.

Household and commercial waste production in Ireland has increased dramatically in the last twenty years. Landfills all around the country are under severe pressure, shileour non-renewable resources are being exhausted at alarming rates. The amount of waste produced has increased over the last decade to about three million tonnes (3,000,000 tonnes).

We are trying to change the way people think about litter and waste in our area.

Global Citizenship by Saoirse Salveta:


There were 419,733 non Irish nationals living in Ireland in April 2006.

52,500 of these were children under the age of 14.

75,687 of these were children and young adults.

28,347 of these were E.U. citizens.

The World

20% of the global population own 80% of the global wealth.

Climate change seems to affect the less developed parts of the world first.

The developed world is mainly responsible for the change in the climate.

St. Brigid’s Recycled Hat Competition

Congratulations girls. It was the hardest competition to judge in St. Brigid’s to date!

St. Brigid’s Big Travel Challenge

The Green-Schools Travel Competition took place in February. We walked to school or remembered to ‘Park & Stride’ to school for ten days, from the 10th to 25th of February 2016.  Schools all over Ireland took part. We took on this challenge of achieving a measurable increase in a sustainable mode of travel; walking ( Park & Stride).

Well Done St. Brigid’s!

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This site has a huge number of activities in all subject areas:
Click on Green Schools

What’s Happening? 2014-2015


29th August 2014 Return to School


8th September 5th Classes begin Swimming Lessons

9th September Fund-Raiser: Used Clothing Collection

9th September Meeting for Parents/Guardians of 2nd Class pupils with Ms. Mc Grane, Learning Support Teacher, at 2.00 p.m.

12th September Art Squad begin work with Sixth Class Pupils on the mural behind the stage

17th September Meeting for Parents/Guardians of children who will be making their First Holy Communion in 2015. If you cannot make this meeting, you are welcome to attend the meeting for the other local schools, which will be held on Tuesday, 23rd Sept. The meetings will be held at 7.30 pm in the Church of the Annunciation.

20th September Parents’ Association Meeting in the Cookery Room at 9.40 a.m.

24th September Finglas Garda Station Open Day. Sixth Classes are invited

26th September Garda/GAA Blitz in Erin’s Isle for Fifth Classes


1st October Chess classes begin for Ms. McMullen’s Fifth Class and Ms. Burke’s Multigrade Third/Fourth Class

7th October Sport for Life Programme begins for all Third Class pupils with support from Dublin City University

11th-19th October Maths Week (2nd and 5th classes will take part in Library events – all other classes have school-based activities) Check out:

13th October Suas Literacy Programme begins today – linking DCU Students with Fourth Class pupils

16th October Two Student Council Representatives attend the annual Comhairle na nÓg in Croke Park. Fifth Classes visit Coláiste Eoin for a Magic Show. Fourth Classes attend a Maths Magic Show in Finglas Library. Second Class Room 8 attend a Dublin Zoo Presentation in Finglas Library

17th October Hallowe’en Safety Event for all local 4th / 5th classes in the School Hall (organised by Dublin Bus, An Garda Síochána and DSPCA)

20th October 3rd (Ms. Gleeson’s) Class and Multigrade (Ms. Bourke’s) Class begin Swimming Lessons

21st October Second Class (Room 7) attend a Spelling Workshop in Finglas Library

23rd October Cross Country Run organised by Dublin City Council (5th &  6th Class Pupils)

24th October Coffee morning for the parents/guardians of the pupils in our Outreach Classes (Room 10 & 11). This will be held in the Parents’ Room at 11:00 a.m.

24th October €2 Fundraiser: Pupils dress up for Hallowe’en. School Disco at 1.15 p.m.


1st – 5th November Healthy Eating Week in St. Brigid’s

9th – 16th November Science Week – or Discover Primary Science

Wed. 12th, Wed19th, Wed 26th, Wed 3rd Dec Literacy for Fun Ms. Dooley’s 2nd Class

Fri. 14th, Fri 21st, Fri 28th, Fri 5th Dec  Literacy for Fun Ms. Caffrey’s 2nd Class

Tuesday, 18th November 2014 @ 7.30 CONFIRMATION ENROLMENT CEREMONY (Confirmation 6th Class)

Wednesday, 19th November PARENT – TEACHER MEETINGS (School closes at 2.25 p.m.)

Friday, 28th November Parents’ Association Fun Day for pupils (We would welcome new/unwanted gift sets, etc. for Spot Prizes and/or cakes for the CAKE SALE. Thanks!)


Tuesday, 16th December Room 10 & Room 11 visit The Ark

Wednesday, 17th December @ 12.15 p.m. School Concert

Friday, 19th December @ 12 noon  JUMPER FUNDRAISER DAY FOR UNICEF School closes for Christmas Holidays


Monday, 5th January  2015 @ 9.00 a.m. School re-opens after the Christmas Break

Saturday 31st January 2015 @ 2.00 p.m. THE PEACE PROMS in the R.D.S. BALLSBRIDGE

Peace Proms


Tuesday, 10th February 2015 @ 7.30 p.m. SERVICE OF LIGHT (Confirmation 6th Class)

Tuesday, 17th February  2015 @ 1.30 p.m. FIRST CONFESSION (Communion 2nd Class)



Sunday, 26th April 2015 @ 12.15 p.m. Mass FIRST HOLY COMMUNION (Communion 2nd Class)


Wednesday, 27th May 2015 @ 11 o’clock CONFIRMATION CEREMONY (Confirmation 6th Class)  Please note that this date is provisional and is subject to approval by Archbishop’s house 


Parent-Teacher Meetings Early School Closure

In accordance with Circular 14/04 from the Department of Education and Skills,  school will close at 2.25 p.m. on Wednesday, 19th November (15 mins early). This is to facilitate Parent/Teacher meetings, which will be held on that day.

We look forward to meeting parents/guardians that week. Do let us know if the time/day allocated by the class teacher doesn’t suit and we will do our best to accommodate you at a different time.


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands