Green Flag Number Six
Here is the very busy 2015-2016 Green Schools Committee:
Litter and Waste by Shauna Brannigan:
Litter is always caused by people. It is waste in the wrong place which ruins the appearance of our towns and countryside. Litter has many forms and many sources, from sweet wrappers thrown on the street to a dumped bag of rubbish. Authorities spend millions of Euros every year on cleaning the streets of Ireland.
Household and commercial waste production in Ireland has increased dramatically in the last twenty years. Landfills all around the country are under severe pressure, shileour non-renewable resources are being exhausted at alarming rates. The amount of waste produced has increased over the last decade to about three million tonnes (3,000,000 tonnes).
We are trying to change the way people think about litter and waste in our area.
Global Citizenship by Saoirse Salveta:
There were 419,733 non Irish nationals living in Ireland in April 2006.
52,500 of these were children under the age of 14.
75,687 of these were children and young adults.
28,347 of these were E.U. citizens.
The World
20% of the global population own 80% of the global wealth.
Climate change seems to affect the less developed parts of the world first.
The developed world is mainly responsible for the change in the climate.
St. Brigid’s Recycled Hat Competition
Congratulations girls. It was the hardest competition to judge in St. Brigid’s to date!

St. Brigid’s Big Travel Challenge
The Green-Schools Travel Competition took place in February. We walked to school or remembered to ‘Park & Stride’ to school for ten days, from the 10th to 25th of February 2016. Schools all over Ireland took part. We took on this challenge of achieving a measurable increase in a sustainable mode of travel; walking ( Park & Stride).
Well Done St. Brigid’s!

This site has a huge number of activities in all subject areas:
Click on Green Schools