Sacraments for Second Class 2014-2015

Church of the Annunciation Image

FIRST CONFESSION Tuesday, 17th February  2015 @ 1.30 p.m.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Sunday, 26th April 2015 @ 12.15 p.m. Mass

Do This in Memory Programme Family Masses     

(6.30 p.m. Saturday evenings)

  • Saturday 4th October
  • Saturday 15th November
  • Saturday 6th December 
  • Saturday 17th January 
  • Saturday 7th February 
  •  Saturday 7th March  

June 7th Feast of Corpus Christi Sunday 12.15 

Parent and Child Prayers:

  • Wednesday 14th January at 3.00 p.m. 
  • Wednesday 11th February at 3.00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 15th April at 3.00 p.m.


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands