Getting Active in St. Brigid’s

We love to get active in St. Brigid’s especially in room 18, and the rain is no barrier for us. We love to get active outside as often as possible, but when mother nature gets in the way we do as much as we can in the classroom. We like to use GoNoodle as often as possible, this gets our heart rate going and gets us pumped up and ready for learning.


In May this year we had the opportunity to try out cricket with Dublin City Council. Niall kindly came in with a coach from Cricket Ireland to give us some training. We had great fun learning new skills and also learning the new vocabulary that goes along with it.

Erin’s Isle GAA Blitz June 2017

On Wednesday June 14th 10 girls from 5th class and 10 girls from 6th class attended the GAA blitz in Erin’s Isle. Each team played three matches each and really enjoyed being out in the sunshine and competing against all the local schools.


Our Motto

“Together let’s live for today and learn for tomorrow”

was created along with our crest in 2012 and both continue to be as relevant today as they were then.

Children's painted hands